Wednesday, March 19, 2014

"IN SEARCH OF BEAUTY" - Pen and Ink, Watercolor, circa 1967

"In Search Of Beauty" , (circa 1967) - 9" x 11" 

Another whimsical work by Richard shows his concept of the intrepid, eternal Searcher, off on his quest to find 'Beauty'. So focused in his search, he fails to see the true beauty surrounding him on all sides, as he obliviously tramples underfoot God's glorious creation and nature's marvelous handiwork. The joyous flora is ignored and the miraculous fauna scatters before his never ending expedition.  Richard succeeds in making his visual commentary that mankind can often be blind, pursuing some elusive, intangible ideal while neglecting what is right in front of our nose, simply the good and wonderful blessing found in our everyday lives.

"In Search Of Beauty" - detail

Richard was a student of the natural world, and taught himself to become an expert of sorts regarding the many varieties of plant and animal life abundant in nature, and he could differentiate these varieties in his visual depictions. While "In Search Of Beauty" was made in a simple whimsical cartoon style, one of Richard's artistic strengths was to distill a complex form and portray it on paper in a few simple lines. He learned how to look at his subjects (for example a bird, such as a sparrow) with a quick glance, and storing that image in his memory, instantly transforming that image into a few quick, simple pen or pencil lines, easily recognized.  This, ultimately, was at the core of Richard's artistic gift, a gift he would continually downplay, never bragging, yet always delighting. 

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